When Snowcatcher Disappears

I'm lost. So I'll stay put here for a while and see if I can find myself.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Terrible Tuesday

I'm not sure why I'm still trying, but I continue to try to get my Snowcatcher blog back up and running. Snowcaught just isn't filling the gaping hole. The continuing battle with my web host is not going well; I've lost access to the email address I set up through the web host, thinking it would be my forever email address. I've lost total faith in my web host, and I likely will have to change. Which probably means a new email address, too. Darn it.

I haven't thrown in the towel yet.

Hopefully these screen shots illustrate just a tiny sample of the heartache this extremly uncomfortable outage has caused.

And how all this makes me feel...

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This is a substitute blog; I'm hoping my real blog will be back soon. In the meantime, I'm having trouble commenting; I apologize if you are having difficulty, too!

Friday Fabulous